Issa Scotian Ting’
Issa Scotian Ting' is brought to you by Pineapple Express Media in collaboration with Keke Beatz Films & Izreal Media Arts. Issa Scotian Ting' is a (6) episode docu-series that explores the Evolution of hip-hop sound, community & culture through the Nova Scotian experience. Highlighting the legacy of (6) hip hop historians and over (50) hip hop artists from the communities; North End Dartmouth (Darkside), Beechville (Illville), North End Halifax (Squaretown aka Squizzy) & The Preston Township (North & East Preston).
Issa Scotian Ting' highlights a very large community of historically connected Hip Hop artists who will walk us through the very important, untold history of Black Loyalists in the East Coast of Canada. Issa Scotian Ting' is currenlty in POST-PRODUCTION set to release in Q4 of 2025.
This document-series is made possible through the Digital Now Grant from the Canada Council For The Arts & the incredible support of the team at Centre For Art Tapes. For more information on the documentary and to book a special community screening, get in touch with Pineapple Express Media.
Hip Hop Historians
To learn more about each Hip Hop Historian, click on their photo.
Production Team
Kayla Borden
Executive Producer
Nivie Singh
Executive Producer
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Keke Beats
Brian Junior Eustache
Production Assistant